Marta is from Spain and it is her first time in Freiburg. She is visiting her friend Jack who is doing an Erasmus in Freiburg. But Jack is busy at university and cannot pick her up. Luckily, Marta meets Bea, a Spanish girl who helps her to get to Jack’s place.
Performed by Sergio, Iris and Cristina.
Creating a radio play in English challenges students to use and expand their foreign language competencies in a holistic way. In this course, participants had the chance to experience this process themselves, before they discussed approaches to include radio projects in the secondary school English classroom. As part of the PH’s Tandem Project, a programme to support interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning, this course was taught by Nina Brieke (PH Radio/Institut für Medien in der Bildung) and Maike Grau (English Department).
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