Podcast: Podcast-Archiv der PH-Freiburg

Um frische, salzhaltige Luft zu genießen, muss man nicht unbedingt ans Meer fahren. Salzgrotten sind eine spannende Alternative. Redaktionsmitglied Michael Rehse hat sich mit Geschäftsführer Stefan Olefs über die Besonderheiten seiner Salzgrotte unterhalten. Als erstes wollte er wissen, welchen Anlass es für ihn gab, eine Salzgrotte in Kirchzarten zu bauen.

Besser atmen in der Salzgrotte

Als Marxist und Jude auf der Flucht vor den Nazis stirbt Walter Benjamin vor 75 Jahren. Wir erinnern mit einer Sendereihe an den außergewöhnlichen Wissenschaftler. Im zweiten Teil der Sendereihe sprechen wir seine geschichtsphilosophischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Theorien.

Walter Benjamin: Philosoph, Literatur- und Medienkritiker – Teil 2

Vorrangige Aufgabe der Freiburger Stadtbau GmbH – so die Selbstbeschreibung auf der Website – ist es, FreiburgerInnen ausreichend bezahlbaren und attraktiven Wohnraum zur Verfügung zu stellen. Im Lauf von 8 Monaten gibt es im Juni 2015 erneut eine Mieterhöhung, 900 Wohnungen im Freiburger Stadtgebiet sind betroffen. Monika Löffler sprach mit Ralf Müller, dem Vorsitzenden des […]

Mieterhöhung der Freiburger Stadtbau GmbH – Die unendliche Geschichte Freiburger ...

This segment is an Interview between Jessica and Christina and Carlos, two Spanish exchange students from Valencia in Spain. Even though the two visit the same university there they have met in Freiburg for the first time. Jessica asked them questions about the German culture “im Ländle” and their lives in Freiburg. Ein Beitrag von […]

Interview with two Spanish exchange Students

Mo’s cousin Albi is living in Australia for over 4 years now. Why he likes it so much and how much work it was to get a permit for a permanent stay down under you’ll learn in their very familiar talk. Watch out: Explicit vocabulary! Ein Beitrag von Moritz Jahraus.

Interview with a German who moved to Australia

Dunja is interviewing an American exchange student from Chicago. Her name is Tatiana and she spends her fall semester in Freiburg. It’s not her first experience in Germany but she tells us what she likes most about the country but also why she thinks Germans can be a little awkward from time to time. Ein […]

Interview with an American from Chicago

Our Editor Alina was visited by her former Gastschwester from the US over Christmas. Like Alina she is a student and its her first visit in Germany. She stayed for three weeks and also visited Freiburg and the PH. In their interview the two talked about traditions, prejudices and the student life. Ein Beitrag von […]

Interview with US-Gastschwester

The short story you’ll hear in a minute is by my fellow student Jürgen Mößlang. He spent his foreign semester in Prague a little more than a year ago. By his own account this story is based on a true incident that happened during his time in Prague.Until this day Jürgen has no idea how […]

A Czech Ghost Story

Imagine you wake up in a beautiful little bungalow step out of the door and have the Pacific Ocean lying right in front of you. You enjoy a rich breakfast just a few steps away on a wooden deck and if you’re lucky you are able to see monkeys in the trees.This is Bara Beach […]

Interview with a German managar of a resort in Indonesia ...

Imagine you wake up in a beautiful little bungalow step out of the door and have the Pacific Ocean lying right in front of you. You enjoy a rich breakfast just a few steps away on a wooden deck and if you’re lucky you are able to see monkeys in the trees.This is Bara Beach […]

Interview with a German managar of a resort in Indonesia ...

Who has ever changed their travel destination because they didn´t want to go somewhere where you can find too many sharks in the ocean? I´m sure some of us have at least looked it up on the internet after seeing some scary movie. But are sharks really a reason to be so afraid?And for everyone […]

Sharks are better than you think! (Shark News)

Who has ever changed their travel destination because they didn´t want to go somewhere where you can find too many sharks in the ocean? I´m sure some of us have at least looked it up on the internet after seeing some scary movie. But are sharks really a reason to be so afraid? And for […]

Sharks are better than you think! (Shark attack)

Michael has been working in India as an expat for a German company for the last five years. He has learned a lot about Indian culture and travelled the country. His sister Annika will ask him a couple of questions about the interesting time he had on the Indian subcontinent. Ein Beitrag von Annika-Sandrina Müller.

Interview with a German in India

Three exchange students, three nationalities, three different experiences in Freiburg. Ena from Croatia, Maria from Uzbekistan and Magali from France each gave an interview.Whether it’s cheese, German flags or dubbed movies – the differences to their home countries are numerous. Nevertheless, Maria, Ena and Magali seem to have a really good time. Ein Beitrag von […]

3 Internationals, 3 interviews